1,395 research outputs found

    The integration of new technologies : the stakes of knowledge

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    In order to remain competitive in an increasingly competitive international context, French companies are forced to follow one or more of various possible routes: relocating some of the activities, optimizing the design and / or production process, or innovate technologically. When they choose to develop new technologies, it is advisable to seek outside expertise in different areas. Thus they must exchange and create knowledge in partnership with other companies. But in order to control and integrate this future technology, we support that the acquisition and the capitalization of the technical training, during the process of innovation, are of primary importance. This article demonstrates that the construction of this knowledge base can be achieved only by formalizing close and rigorous collaboration. To do this, we propose a model of the collaborative process, meant for the leaders of innovative projects to support design.Cifr

    Process Optimization and Downscaling of a Single Electron Single Dot Memory

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    This paper presents the process optimization of a single-electron nanoflash electron memory. Self-aligned single dot memory structures have been fabricated using a wet anisotropic oxidation of a silicon nanowire. One of the main issue was to clarify the process conditions for the dot formation. Based on the process modeling, the influence of various parameters (oxidation temperature, nanowire shape) has been investigated. The necessity of a sharp compromise between these different parameters to ensure the presence of the memory dot has been established. In order to propose an aggressive memory cell, the downscaling of the device has been carefully studied. Scaling rules show that the size of the original device could be reduced by a factor of 2. This point has been previously confirmed by the realization of single-electron memory devices

    The Next 700 Impossibility Results in Time-Varying Graphs

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    We address highly dynamic distributed systems modeled by time-varying graphs (TVGs). We interest in proof of impossibility results that often use informal arguments about convergence. First, we provide a distance among TVGs to define correctly the convergence of TVG sequences. Next, we provide a general framework that formally proves the convergence of the sequence of executions of any deterministic algorithm over TVGs of any convergent sequence of TVGs. Finally, we illustrate the relevance of the above result by proving that no deterministic algorithm exists to compute the underlying graph of any connected-over-time TVG, i.e., any TVG of the weakest class of long-lived TVGs

    A second-order cut-cell method for the numerical simulation of 2D flows past obstacles.

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    35 pagesWe present a new second-order method, based on the MAC scheme on cartesian grids, for the numerical simulation of two-dimensional incompressible flows past obstacles. In this approach, the solid boundary is embedded in the cartesian computational mesh. Discretizations of the viscous and convective terms are formulated in the context of finite volume methods ensuring local conservation properties of the scheme. Classical second-order centered schemes are applied in mesh cells which are sufficiently far from the obstacle. In the mesh cells cut by the obstacle, fisrt-order approximations are proposed. The resulting linear system is nonsymetric but the stencil remains local as in the classical MAC scheme on cartesian grids. The linear systems are solved by a direct method based on the capacitance matrix method. The time integration is achieved with a second-order projection scheme. While in cut-cells the scheme is locally first-order, a global second-order accuracy is recovered. This property is assessed by computing analytical solutions for a Taylor-Couette problem. The efficiency and robustness of the method is supported by numerical simulations of 2D flows past a circular cylinder at Reynolds number up to 9 500. Good agreement with experimental and published numerical results are obtained

    A second-order immersed boundary method for the numerical simulation of two-dimensional incompressible viscous flows past obstacles.

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    6 pagesWe present a new cut-cell method, based on the MAC scheme on Cartesian grids, for the numerical simulation of two-dimensional incompressible f lows past obstacles. The discretization of the nonlinear terms, written in conservative form, is formulated in the context of finite volume methods. While first order approximations are used in cut-cells the scheme is globally second-order accurate. The linear systems are solved by a direct method based on the capacitance matrix method. Accuracy and efficiency of the method are supported by numerical simulations of 2D flows past a cylinder at Reynolds numbers up to 9 500


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    Background: A previous study showed an overuse of psychiatric emergencies by physicians. Now we study whether patients hospitalized through emergencies have more pejorative specifications than patients admitted through consultations. Method: All patients with Major depressive disorder admitted in our department through emergencies (N=146) or consultations (N=2172) between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012 were included in an open study. They completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), analogical visual scales about stress levels (in professional, social, family, married life), life events scale over the past year and the past month and the Olson Family Adaptation and Cohesion Scale. Results: The depression (t=1.438; p=0.90) and stress level in the previous month (t=1.704; p=0.90) was similar in both samples. Patients admitted through emergencies are characterized by lower levels of marital stress (t=2.590; p=0.01), higher levels of cohesion (t=-2.988, p=0.003), higher adaptability of the current couple (t=-2.975, p=0.003) as well as the adaptability of the family of the origin (t=-2.504, p=0.012). Conclusions: If both samples are comparable in terms of stress or severity of depression, patients admitted through emergencies have relatives who are more supportive and more adaptable! How can we explain why they did not consult before? We propose the hypothesis that physicians and families would be exceeded or overloaded with symptoms they thought they could contain, forcing them at this point to request an urgent care of the pathology. On the contrary patients with environments which are less cohesive and adaptable would be redirected earlier to specialised consultation

    Pragmatic Isomorphism Proofs Between Coq Representations: Application to Lambda-Term Families

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    There are several ways to formally represent families of data, such as lambda terms, in a type theory such as the dependent type theory of Coq. Mathematical representations are very compact ones and usually rely on the use of dependent types, but they tend to be difficult to handle in practice. On the contrary, implementations based on a larger (and simpler) data structure combined with a restriction property are much easier to deal with. In this work, we study several families related to lambda terms, among which Motzkin trees, seen as lambda term skeletons, closable Motzkin trees, corresponding to closed lambda terms, and a parameterized family of open lambda terms. For each of these families, we define two different representations, show that they are isomorphic and provide tools to switch from one representation to another. All these datatypes and their associated transformations are implemented in the Coq proof assistant. Furthermore we implement random generators for each representation, using the QuickChick plugin

    Les déterminants de la réorientation des bacheliers lorsque le projet d'études n'est pas satisfait : l'exemple de la région Centre.

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    La dĂ©mocratisation de l'accĂšs Ă  l'enseignement supĂ©rieur conduit neuf bacheliers sur dix Ă  poursuivre leurs Ă©tudes l'annĂ©e qui suit l'obtention du baccalaurĂ©at d'aprĂšs le panel de l'Education Nationale de 2002. NĂ©anmoins, le choix des Ă©tudes et l'orientation en terminale tĂ©moignent de la persistance d'inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales dans l'accĂšs Ă  certaines filiĂšres sĂ©lectives post-bac. Ainsi, plusieurs Ă©tudes ont montrĂ© que, non seulement, le contexte social et scolaire, mais aussi, les caractĂ©ristiques des Ă©tablissements sont dĂ©terminants dans l'accĂšs Ă  certaines Ă©tudes comme les CPGE, les STS ou encore les DUT [1 ou 2].Cette orientation scolaire Ă  la fin de la terminale est la consĂ©quence d'un vƓu, reflĂ©tant le projet exprimĂ© au printemps prĂ©cĂ©dent l'obtention du baccalaurĂ©at. L'Ă©lĂšve prend une option, Ă  la fois sur une formation supĂ©rieure et sur un lieu de formation. Ce choix est souvent contraint, d'une part, par l'histoire scolaire de l'Ă©lĂšve qui a intĂ©riorisĂ© ses possibilitĂ©s d'Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures, en fonction notamment de son niveau, de la filiĂšre choisie ou encore de ses possibilitĂ©s financiĂšres, et d'autre part, par l'offre de formation sur un territoire plus ou moins vaste [3]. Cette auto-sĂ©lection a pour consĂ©quence, la plupart du temps, une adĂ©quation entre le vƓu d'Ă©tudes exprimĂ© avant l'obtention du baccalaurĂ©at et les Ă©tudes poursuivies. Mais que deviennent les Ă©lĂšves dont le vƓu n'a pas Ă©tĂ© satisfait ?Cette communication se donne pour objectif d'Ă©tudier les bacheliers dont le projet n'a pas abouti. Quelles sont leurs caractĂ©ristiques sociales et scolaires ? Quel Ă©tait leur projet ? Quelle rĂ©orientation ont-il dĂ» engager ? Est-ce une rĂ©orientation totale – changement complet de formation ou sortie du systĂšme Ă©ducatif – ou une rĂ©orientation partielle – mĂȘme formation supĂ©rieure mais changement de lieu ? Enfin, quels en sont les dĂ©terminants ?A partir d'une enquĂȘte menĂ©e conjointement par le rectorat de l'AcadĂ©mie d'OrlĂ©ans-Tours et le centre associĂ© CEREQ d'OrlĂ©ans, portant sur le projet des bacheliers de la rĂ©gion Centre, nous questionnerons la rĂ©orientation subie (entendue comme le changement soit de formation, soit du lieu de formation ou encore de l'ensemble des deux aspects) des bacheliers n'ayant pas rĂ©alisĂ© leur projet. Nous interrogerons la contrainte territoriale qui pĂšse sur les difficultĂ©s d'orientation en rĂ©gion Centre.PrĂšs de 8000 bacheliers gĂ©nĂ©raux et technologiques des lycĂ©es publics et privĂ©s, soit 54% des bacheliers de la rĂ©gion Centre en 2004, ont rĂ©pondu Ă  un questionnaire Ă©crit Ă  l'automne 2004. Il apparaĂźt qu'un quart d'entre eux n'a pas accĂ©dĂ© Ă  son choix initial. Pour un cinquiĂšme, il s'agit d'une rĂ©orientation gĂ©ographique. Sans surprise, les bacheliers technologiques subissent proportionnellement davantage l'insatisfaction liĂ©e au refus du projet initial et se tournent alors davantage vers le marchĂ© du travail (un peu plus d'un tiers contre 13% pour les bacheliers gĂ©nĂ©raux). De leur cĂŽtĂ©, les bacheliers gĂ©nĂ©raux se rĂ©orientent vers d'autres Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures. Parmi ces Ă©lĂšves, seuls quatre bacheliers de la filiĂšre Scientifique sur dix rejoignent une licence universitaire, montrant ainsi leur volontĂ© d'accĂ©der Ă  une filiĂšre sĂ©lective. Pour comprendre les stratĂ©gies mises en place, des variables explicatives portant sur les rĂ©sultats au baccalaurĂ©at, sur le refus d'admission en filiĂšre sĂ©lective, sur le coĂ»t des Ă©tudes, sur le choix de l'Ă©tablissement, sa localisation, sa spĂ©cificitĂ© et sa rĂ©putation seront prises en compte afin d'Ă©tablir les principaux dĂ©terminants de la rĂ©orientation. Bibliographie : [1] S. Lemaire, 2005, « Les premiers bacheliers du panel : aspirations, image de soi et choix d'orientation », Education et Formations, n°72, MEN, pp.137-153[2] N. Nakhili, 2005, « Impact du contexte scolaire dans l'Ă©laboration des choix d'Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures des Ă©lĂšves de terminale », Education et Formations, n°72, MEN, pp.155-167[3] S. Ertul et J-R Bertrand, 2005, « Parcours, disparitĂ©s territoriales et enseignement secondaire en rĂ©gion Pays de la Loire », communication au sĂ©minaire « Education et Formation : disparitĂ©s territoriales et rĂ©gionales », 39 pagesbaccalaurĂ©at; orientation; logit; Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures; formation; Ă©ducation; universitĂ©; rĂ©gion Centre; insertion professionnelle


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    Background: This article provides an insight into the behaviour of adolescents during the COVID-19 crisis through a comparison with the life of young people living in France under German occupation during the Second World War. Method: We conducted a literature review of articles in the CAIRN, SCOPUS and PsycINFO databases using the keywords zazou, adolescent and COVID-19. Results: The zazou movement was a manifestation of young people\u27s denial of the war through derision. Initially discredited, it was subsequently violently repressed by collaborationists and supporters of Marshal PĂ©tain, as it was interpreted as an enemy of politics. In particular, it ran contrary to the Vichy regime\u27s desire that young French men should spearhead the national revolution. The reaction among young people was to feel that they were being used by ageing politicians, who they considered were out of touch with reality. With respect to adolescents during the COVID-19 crisis, our review found that the French government has pressurised them to make sacrifices for the rest of the population, and has ignored their greater need for social links with peers. Many adolescents feel that they have been forgotten, in the midst of measures that have been imposed upon them with no explanation. This may have led, as in the 1940s, to a feeling of being instrumentalised and demonised by politicians. Conclusion: We argue that, in both cases, the dominant oppressive atmosphere has fostered similar behaviours and mental mechanisms. We therefore recommend that, rather than demonising young people, efforts should be made to include them in decision-making processes, in order to improve their understanding of the situation and encourage them to feel included
